mental health

Its been 3 years since my last blog

I cannot begin to share the changes since my last blog back in March 2021! The summary of which includes: Moved home after our extension plans did not go to plan Turned 40 years old Worked for a fabulous charity which has now sadly closed, The British Youth Council My eldest daughter left school to… Continue reading Its been 3 years since my last blog

anxiety, blogging, blogging tips, Borderline Personality Disorder, business, DBT, Depression, education, illness, job, jobs, medication, mental health, mind, Personality Disorder, purpose, therapy, working mum

Ruminating again… and again… and ….. again!

These days I seem to have regressed a little back to ruminating and those around me I think find that hard to acknowledge. I worked so hard at finding coping strategies to stop myself and distract myself and at the moment those things are just not possible and it feels as those some of those… Continue reading Ruminating again… and again… and ….. again!

anxiety, beauty, business, covid, education, environment, job, jobs, lockdown, manager, mental health, planet, purpose, recruitment, the body shop, The Body Shop At home, training, working mum

Why join Region Purpose North America

If you’re reading this blog you probably already know me, or a little bit about my and my journey with anxiety and mental health illness. If you not you can read a very quick overview here Me This business has changed my life. It’s enabled me to work around my good days, develop my confidence,… Continue reading Why join Region Purpose North America

covid, Kids, lockdown, mental health, parenting, purpose, The Body Shop At home, training, working mum, writer

Mum Guilt…

Why is it that above all the things we force ourselves to cram into life as a mum, we insist on adding mum guilt to the top of this list... Have you ever tried to be the mum who’s up at 5am? The mum who “Started the day with a little 10k”? Well good on… Continue reading Mum Guilt…

mental health

Gastroscopy – I’ve already got a lump in my throat

Arrrrggghhhh it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this anxious, so anxious that I had to write it down, but there you go. This is what it’s for! Today I’m going for a gastroscopy procedure and I’m dreading it. My breathing is one of the biggest things that triggers my anxiety. My asthma and… Continue reading Gastroscopy – I’ve already got a lump in my throat

anxiety, blogging, Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT, Depression, illness, job, jobs, law of attraction, medication, mind, Personality Disorder, purpose, the body shop, The Body Shop At home, therapy

Improving me… I’m not going backwards

It’s been a while, but having been in bed pretty much solidly for 10 days today, I was feeling low. I’ve written blogs before on how when I’m physically unwell, here. It impacts my head and mental wellness and I’m definitely finding that right now. So here’s my blog... and I’m changing it! There’s lots… Continue reading Improving me… I’m not going backwards

anxiety, Bereavement, blogging, blogging tips, Borderline Personality Disorder, business, DBT, drama, education, environment, illness, job, jobs, law of attraction, manager, medication, mental health, Mother’s Day, parenting, Personality Disorder, published, purpose, recruitment, the body shop, The Body Shop At home, therapy, training, writer

Sarah now with BPD

This is me! Today is 20th May 2020 and we’re currently midway through the initial lockdown down to Covid-19. I’m not saying I’m always smiling like this, but much more often than not these days. I still have borderline personality disorder/ emotional unstable personality disorder and generalised anxiety disorder, and I’m still here, here’s why!… Continue reading Sarah now with BPD